For fitness sake
What breeds here feeds
And has to take
The food it needs
From life's supply
With all its might
To satisfy
Its appetite
That's what the cost
Is to survive
Some lives are lost
So others thrive
Some get pursued
Down to defeat
And turned to food
The other eats
This viciousness
Exists in all
The big fishes
Gulp down the small
The grazing herd
Devours the grass
An early bird
Lets no worm pass
The fowl the fish
The four legged beast
Become the dish
From which we feast
As any life
They had ahead
Is put to knife
So we stay fed
Root, shoot, fruit shrub
If edible
Get turned to grub
So life is spent
To circulate
As nourishment
So we gain weight
Though we would starve
Should harvest stop
What good does harvest
Do the crop?
What benefit
Does wheat obtain
From growth when it
Gets ground to grain?
Livestock we graze
To reach large size
We say we raise
But are they wise
To the orders
They will be given
At the slaughters
To which they're driven?
In these conquests
All life's involved
And of these deaths
None is absolved
Yet all can sleep
Quite free of guilt
For deaths that keep
Our needs fulfilled
Since first instinct
Is self preserve
Few feeders think
Their meals will serve
Themselves of just
Their own accords
No way! Food must
Be got by force
And so the strong
Consume the weak
Some call it wrong
But not unique
Such fatal facts
Have to be faced
As nature acts
Out cruel charades
Only the fit
Survive to stay
The unfit quit
And perish: they
Become the fuel
All life requires
For the renewal
Of sunlit fires
The sun donates
A day each dawn
Then radiates
To keep it on
And bestow vast
Brilliantly cast
In all events
The energies
With which life grows
Descend in these
Bright solar shows
Of beam and ray
As sunshine, but
Politics say
Which will get what
Political rules
All obey
So critical
In every way
Dictate who's tough
Enough to boss
And who will suffer
Mortal loss
To loss and gain
All lives are linked
In a food chain
Until extinct
And even dead
Each still retains
Strength we get fed
From the remains
Most feeders have
To search a lot
To snatch and grab
A feeding spot
And none inclines
To vacate space
So other kinds
Have a good place
Nature decrees
Long as we live
We have to seize
What none will give
The very life
Each life defends
This causes strife
That never ends
From the minute
We each arrive
We are in it
And must connive
In deadly deeds
For all we're worth
Like all that breeds
On Planet Earth
Since life's so hard
It's hardly fair
Remain on guard
And well aware
That predators
Plot every day
To get at yours
Some kind of way
Yes, stay alert
Should you relax
You could be hurt
In the attacks
Of hungry creatures
Who survive
By eating each
Other alive
Though we arranged
To civilize
It has not changed
Our appetites
Therefore we pray
To stay well fed
"Give us this day
"Our daily bread"
We have no choice
In this process
No life avoids
Its food contests
For life to grow
Life is destroyed
That's how life shows
Death is enjoyed
It is to die
All life is doomed
For it's death by
Which life's resumed
Transformed into
Edible states
It journeys through
To various fates